
Welcome to Friends of Naunton Park

Celebrating the park and people at their best

A message for our new chair…

Hello everyone

To introduce myself, I am a local resident and regular user of the park, with two children at Naunton Park Primary School – I’m also Treasurer of the Pre School. I look forward to maintaining and building on the work of the previous Chair and outgoing committee members, whom I would like to thank for their contribution to the life of the area.

I am keen to explore ideas to bring more (and new) people in to enjoy Naunton Park, and look forward to sharing my and others’ thinking with you.

Kind regards


Stephen Vitkovitch

Chair, Friends of Naunton Park

For further information and ideas for the Park please contact:
Friends of Naunton Park:

e: info@friendsofnauntonpark.org.uk

Chair:  Stephen Vitkovitch
Secretary:  Barry Roberts
Treasurer:  Richard James


In September 1994 the Friends of Naunton Park was formed, and in its first year attracted 200 members as well as sponsorship and donations from a wide range of local and national companies.In 1995 an award for a community environmental project was received from British Telecom.

The following year the Friends of Naunton Park was recognised as a Registered Charity.

In 1997 the Friends of Naunton Park won a Cheltenham in Bloom award for outstanding community involvement.

We usually hold two major fundraising events a year in the garden: a Summer Garden Party and an Autumn Fair, which includes a popular dog show …

A Brief History of Naunton Park

Contents originally compiled for a booklet entitled “A Brief History of Naunton Park” by the late Ann Gibson.


Historical details

Early days at Naunton park primary School

Memories of The Rose garden

History of the Friends of Naunton Park group

Map of the Rose Garden

Acknowledgements and thanks are due to:

Penny Howarth for her patience and help in typing the script.

John Milner, without whom the booklet on which these pages are based would not have been written, for his support.

Simon Lee, Head of Parks and Landscape at Cheltenham Borough Council, who gave continuing encouragement to Friends of Naunton Park.

Bronwen Gwynn at Cheltenham Borough Council for the production of finished artwork and design advice.

David Hanks of Cotswold Images for the photographs.

James Wilson of the Department of Landscape and Design, Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education, and his students.

Martin Wood, ex Headteacher, Naunton Park School.

Those members of FoNP who lent photographs and gave me information.

The many local residents for their memories – some of which are very clear; others, on their own admission, are rather hazy as “it was a long time ago”!

Ann Gibson – Editor

Naunton Park – Cheltenham’s ‘Garden of Eden’

By David Elder

David’s new book, “Naunton Park – Cheltenham’s ‘Garden of Eden’“, has been published and is a welcome addition to Ann Gibson’s booklet “A Brief History of Naunton Park”. The contents of this earlier publication are available as web pages on this website – here.

All proceeds from the sale will go to Friends of Naunton Park. David’s book has already raised much appreciated funds for the charity. Many thanks David!

If you would like a copy of the book (cost £5.00) please get in touch with phil@thetallhouse.co.uk who will be pleased to help. Or contact David on either of the numbers given in the poster: